Saturday, 14th October – 09:30 AM
Introduction to Nonviolent Communication by M.B. Rosenberg
by Angela Attianese, CNV trainer and facilitator certified by CNVC VICENZA
“Every criticism, judgement, diagnosis and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need. Discover the need, take care of it and the violence will disappear.” Marshall B. Rosenberg
The type of relationship and communication we use with ourselves and with others, in our families, in work contexts or in the groups in which we live can favor connection and dialogue or the escalation of conflict. How can we express ourselves honestly while also taking into account the relationship? How can we listen to another person without forgetting ourselves? How can we give or receive appreciation without labeling or feeling ulterior motives? The workshop is aimed at all people interested in taking care of themselves and their relationships with others and discovering how Nonviolent Communication can help in this direction