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Saturday, October 14th – 10:00 AM

Journey inside the universe of family systems

Meeting presented by Idee per il sociale della Casa di Cultura Popolare di Vicenza

Yesterday’s family has transformed today into a variegated system of shapes and geometries. How can we contain the emotional turbulence created by the changes that have affected emotional and family relationships in this way? Our certainties and ideologies? How can we manage change and enhance the quality of bonds – whatever form they take?

For this reason we propose a meeting dedicated precisely to the most plural, varied and dynamic system of ties that we experience in the contemporary world, using three different perspectives:

  • Looking at how the ongoing transformations influence the way of doing family (sociocultural)
  • Trying to understand the mechanisms that influence the development of the individual in new forms of bonding (psychological)
  • Listening to the stories of those who experience multi-nuclear families firsthand, those who have a married life and are homosexual, those who are parents or grandparents of a child/child resulting from assisted procreation.

Chiara Chimenton – psychologist, psychotherapist,
Anna Coda – psychologist, psychotherapist,
Luisa Consolaro – psychiatrist, family psychotherapist,
the actress Patricia Zanco will give voice to the testimonies